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Meet us at Magento Imagine: Here's Why - featured image

Meet us at Magento Imagine: Here's Why

We are just days away from the largest Magento event - #MagentoImagine. In preparation of the over 3500 attendees and 150 speakers representing 60 countries, we want to share a small overview of what Imagine means for the Magento community, what we expect out of it, and what we’d like to see, learn, and offer at the event.

It is no secret that Magento community prides itself in its uniqueness. There is no better place to feel the energy and strength of its members than Magento Imagine. This year will be no different, with one exception - the question of: “Is this the last Imagine as we know it?” (Karen Baker from Shipper HQ summed it up nicely).
Regardless, we are definitely excited to enjoy this year’s Imagine to its fullest. While we might be a very small agency (24 people in total), we decided to send 9 of our team members to experience the unique atmosphere that can be found within the walls of the Wynn.
Their expectations are high, but Imagine is always up to the challenge.
Ivona Namjesnik, our Marketing Director AKA “Booth Girl”, says:
“Of course, we expect a lot. Magento has gone through a lot of transformations in the last couple of years; the latest one being the Adobe acquisition, so it’s no wonder that Solution and Technology Partners and merchants alike are interested in knowing what the future holds. We all want to learn to be able to stay at the forefront of technology and trends while supporting the growth of this uniquely amazing community. If we learn and evolve together, the end result will be nothing short of an exceptional experience both for us and the end customer.”
We all know it is not easy to process and digest the amount of information and the topics presented all at once. That’s why we urge you to not only listen to the talks but to also engage actively in networking. Go and introduce yourself, be social, ask questions: we will welcome you with our arms wide open about any Magento topic or issue you face at booth 412! Also, we have stickers! How can you go wrong with stickers?
Our CEO, Ali Ahmed, adds to the excitement: "Being present in the Magento community - as an individual and as an agency - means being constantly exposed to crazy amounts of knowledge. There is always room for improvement, and we find the motivation to do so in every project and opportunity we take on. Getting a confirmation that we’re doing something right in the form of being invited to be a speaker at Imagine and seeing our work for Catbird recognized for one of the top three best mobile experiences is a confirmation in its own rightful way.”
We also see Imagine as a perfect place to learn more about where we’re headed as a company, platform and community. There is no shortage of answers offered from all sides – no matter how vocal they are (or not) on Twitter. What we all agree on is the fact that we need to keep investing in pushing our own limits, imagining more, and curating knowledge, because the combination of those three is what yields results.
We all want the same thing as solutions providers, that is identifying pain points of our clients – and providing them with a solution. Developers are motivated, agencies grow, clients benefit, and customers are engaged all while enjoying the freedom to explore the Magento platform. We strongly believe there is no cookie-cutter solution to e-Commerce as no two e-Commerce businesses are the same so innovation makes all the difference.
Our own Igor Ludgero Miura is one of the 9 team members who will be at Imagine and he is definitely “your guy” if you want to talk innovations. He has won Magento Innovations Lab Award three times and is presenting on the Imagine stage. This year, he’ll be speaking about his latest innovation, Augmented Reality, which is compatible with Adobe Project Aero.
I see our clients trying to use what is "hot" in the market so I try to find ways to offer better shopping experiences to their customers," explains Igor. “If you pay attention, you can see new things emerging in e-commerce almost daily. Blockchain, machine learning, AI, AR, VR, and PWA are only some of them. That’s why I think projects like this are important. They show all of those technologies can be applied to solve merchants’ problems and put their business at the forefront of e-commerce. It also puts things into perspective when it comes to answering the question of what the future of e-commerce is.”
In the booth with us will also be Magento Master, Rafael Correa Gomes, who can tell you all about his journey – his Magento beginnings, current level of Magento knowledge, why should you invest in getting your Magento certifications and why connect, network, and partner with individuals and companies in the community.
As you can see, we strongly believe in being a part of relevant initiatives so feel free to ask us about the most recent one we joined – Mobile Optimization Initiative. We have partnered with Magento, PayPal, and HiConversion to better understand why the mobile gap exists, how to narrow it, and how we can help merchants close it. With over 120 experiments currently run by different solution partners, we are proud to engage with you about our findings and how they might help you grow. Stop by our booth to learn more about which experiments could lift your Revenue Per Visitor (RPV).
To start getting your mobile conversion rates up before you head off to Imagine, this webinar we hosted with PayPal, HiConversion and our dear client Catbird (currently a finalist for Imagine Excellence Awards in the category: “Best Mobile Experience”) is a great introduction!
Seems like a lot of information?
We know. We understand. No sit back, tray tables up, and we’ll see you at Imagine!
Our Tips: Make sure you are well prepared for all the walking, learning, and networking. Magento will do a great job with keeping you hydrated and full – there are snacks and liquid everywhere you go – but make sure to bring comfy shoes, make your own plan of talks you’d like to hear, and potential partners you’d like to meet with. Schedule your meetings ahead of time and if you’d like to meet with us, drop us a line at info@imaginationmedia.com, or just stop by our booth. We are at the sweet spot of 412 which means we are on our way to either the Magento or PayPal booth to grab a snack! See you at the event!